Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmases Past

For some reason, Christmas season reminds me of this person. We will call him Mr. W.  :)
Mr. W and I popping out of a present

Mr. W. was probably the happiest and one of the best guys I ever dated. He honestly loved everyone, just because they existed. He took the time to show people that he cared. He was also fun, thoughtful, smart, driven, service prone, a true leader (taught me more about leadership than anyone else), but also was honest and lived in the real world (that's the only way I can describe it).

The year we dated, I had decided I wanted to spend Christmas day alone, mostly because I enjoyed the peace and quiet to think about the Savior and because I hated being the extra person at the table when a family got together; so we celebrated on Christmas Eve.

That day, man did it snow! We got a ton of inches just in a few hours. The roads were terrible, but he came to see me, we exchanged presents ( I still have my Hello Kitty pajamas, amongst other things) and then we headed to his house.  It was scary! Not only were the roads not plowed, but they were icy.
When it was getting late, he drove me home in his mom's vehicle which had way better control on the slick roads. Of course we had to stop by a church parking lot and attempt a couple of doughnuts which didn't work that well because the vehicle was too smart.

Then we drove by a church, and noticed that it was packed. It was midnight mass! So we, in the split of a second, decided to go and check it out. It was a really cool experience. Entire families listened to the person who gave the sermon about the Savior. The church was packed.

For some reason, during Christmas I always think about Mr. W. Not because I wish we were still dating (I must say he is happily married to a wonderful girl), but because I feel that he kind of carried the Christmas spirit with him every day of the year. I hope all my future Christmases are that spontaneous and wonderful with people that I care about and people that care about me.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Everyday Gratitude

I am so grateful for so many things.

I am so grateful that I have a home to live in, let alone a bed (and a comfortable one) to sleep in. I am grateful I have blankets to put over my body in the cold of night. I am grateful that I have a place to be during the cold days. I am grateful that I get to choose what I eat each day. I am grateful that I don't have to fall asleep to the sound of gun fire outside my house. I am grateful that I don't have to wait for the bus in the middle of a snow storm. I am grateful that I can see the sunset each day.
Sunset in Hawaii

I am grateful that I can dance around because I can move. I am grateful that I can sing because I can hear and speak. I am grateful for all the unnecessarily things that I have, including this computer and access to the Internet. I am grateful that each day I am reminded of how blessed I am by simply seeing the world around me; I am grateful to have the responsibility to try to help those less fortunate than I.

I am just grateful.
The small things


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ageless Love?

I have to admit, lately I have spent way too much time reading The Pioneer Woman's blog about her life. I envy it...and now that I have admitted to that, I would like to officially repent for having such feelings.

One of the things I love most about this woman is her and her husband's story: how they met and fell in love. I think the reason I love it so much is because I remember the feelings that she describes while falling in love. She was around the same age I was when I truly fell in love. The sad thing is that comparing our stories has made me wonder, do people still fall in love the same way as they get older?  I look at what my dates and relationships have been like since the dreaded breakup with the one that I felt such feelings for and nothing has ever compared. Yet, here I am reading about someone who felt the same way I did. As a result, I have come to the conclusion that when I felt that way it wasn't all in my head.

Still, nothing even close to those feelings has ever come since. Finally, I convinced myself that I'll never feel that same way again and something lesser will have to do; but then I wonder, could it happen again? Or was it just the excitement that accompanies that stage of our lives?

It is very difficult to date guys when you can never forget the way you felt with (and about) that person you truly loved.

Hopefully, someday I'll be proven wrong.

Friday, November 19, 2010

To Feel The Christmas Spirit

I promise you that if you really want to start feeling the Christmas spirit, you have to see this. If you are a Christian, you have to see this. If you are an art lover, you have to see this. If you feel that there is something higher and bigger out there, you have to see this.  No, you don't have to be Mormon, you don't have to go with someone, you don't have to be or do anything, other than go and feel what it feels like to see this.

You may not know who Carl Bloch is, but as soon as you walk into this gallery, you will instantly recognize the incredible paintings of the Christ's life that have been used all over the world for literally over a hundred years.

My wonderful parents got us tickets (which are free, click here) so see this. I thought I knew what I was going to but I was wrong. It was so much more than I could have imagined. The original paintings in their true sizes left me speechless, literally. The portrayals of the Savior felt so real. The art gallery felt like a sacred place.

As I walked and looked at this breathtaking paintings, I thought to myself "I should read Carl Bloch's biography to learn more about his testimony of Christ." And then I realized that I was looking at his testimony and I knew exactly what it said.

I am so grateful that I was able to see this exposition. Trust me, you need to see it too.
“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7.)

“Jesus … said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water … shall be in him a well … springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:13–14.)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pre-Thanksgiving: Pet Peeves

This is a necessary pre-Thanksgiving post. I am very grateful for millions of things, so I would like to get these few things that I am not grateful for out of the way.

Pet Peeves:

I hate it when people clip their fingernails at church. Who are you and did you grow up in a cave? Seriously.

I hate it when people have a hard time making decisions. Just choose something and do it! I think people waste more time trying to decide what they want than enjoying their choice.

I really dislike all the fake "lets make you cry" stories that people read around the holidays. First of all, they are usually cheesy, second of all there are enough true stories which are inspiring that you don't have to make some up. And I don't really care that the little boy bought his moma some shoes.

Well, that's pretty much it! So you if you don't want to be on my bad side, don't do these things.
I feel so much better now!!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

To The Survivors

Most of the time I try to keep my blog posts light and happy...but in all reality, I think about social issues a lot. Unfortunately, most of those aren't usually what you would consider "light and happy" at all.

Since it is my blog, and I can write what ever I want to, that is exactly what I am going to do right now. And just a warning, this is not a topic for young children.

Over the last two Fridays I have been able to watch two very disturbing, but very important, episodes of Oprah regarding men who were sexually abused as children. The whole audience was made of 200 grown men of all ages (probably mid 20's to 80's) who were survivors.  1 in 6 boys is sexually abused in America.

The pain that these men showed during the show was incredible. As some of the men told of how their childhoods were destroyed by adults, other men in the room wept, because each of them had a different yet similar story.

During the shows they showed a few statistics: 81% of those men had at some point in their lives contemplated suicide. 81% of 200 men, that means 160 of those men who could have represented anybody you know. A staggering 33% percentage of those had attempted it. The pain that one must feel to think about ending their own lives cannot be described in words. I won't attempt to write like I  know what it may feel like, because I don't, but I know that it is great. Most of these men were married, had children, perhaps grandchildren, and had careers a few words they didn't stop living their lives. Yet, this pain has always been present and has affected everything they are.

In between their testimonials, they showed a clip of a perpetrator speaking about what he thought he had caused to his victim. This perpetrator said, "I killed who she could have been." That is exactly what abuse does, it destroys people. It limits people's ability to allow themselves to be.

I don't really know why I felt compelled to write about this, but I guess I just want to raise my voice for those who feel that they cannot.

Being abused, especially when you are a man, is something that cannot be spoken about. It is a taboo topic. It takes your manhood away (as described by the victims). There are so many myths about what kind of people victims were when they were being abused or the people they will become. The myths make it so that men are even more afraid than women to report it or tell anybody.

First of all, anybody that has been a victim should not be ashamed. No matter what the details, a victim is a victim (period). Second, victims don't become abusers themselves. In my work I have spoken with many men and women who were victims of abuse as children. Most of them have grown up to be good people who hate abuse so much they cannot even think about causing hurt to anyone else. A true statement that Oprah made is that it is very possible that our jails are full of men who were abused as children, not because they have learned to hurt others, but because when you carry such hurt and feelings of betrayal, if you do not allow yourself to face them and work through them, they will be manifested as anger and dangerous behaviors.

My thoughts about this are: any kind of abuse needs to stop. I get tired when at work I see women and children who are abused. I get tired of mother's choosing their partners who are abusing their children, over their children. I get tired of men being abused by men. People's lives are being destroyed this very moment.

I can't do much other than do my job and make sure that people around me are safe, but it has to be a collaborative effort. We hear of things like this taking place in other far away places such as African countries ravaged by civil wars. Yet this stuff is happening to the kids that your children go to school with, to kids next door, and to your own children, and you may not even know it.

It is time to stop ignoring the facts. It is time to pay more attention to a serious crime that happens even to the "best families," even in the homes of religious people, even to the straight A student who always has a smile on his face.

How grateful I am that those 200 men had the courage to SURVIVE.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

And The Countdown Begins

Happy birthday to 3 months!

I decided to give myself a few cool presents for my next birthday. Why? Because I'm turning 30. Yeah, I know I should not worry about it, I will live, it is just the beginning of my life, blah blah blah. No matter how you put it, it is a little depressing because your 20's are considered some of the best times of your life. When you were a kid, didn't you want to be in your 20's? I remember I always had crushes on college guys because I thought they were so cool.

Either way, because I was afraid that it is going to be more of an un-happy day than a happy day, I have started giving myself presents to prevent any depression that may accompany the event.

Present #1
A fabulous bed!!!!!! It is twice as big as my old one and 50 times more comfortable!! I hate to say it but if anyone ever wants to marry me they will have to take the both us or neither...

Present #2
I wanted to remember what I was like in my 20's, so I decided to have professional pics taken. It was a little scary; most of the time I am messing around and my pics show me camping, etc. But I found a fantastic photographer who made me feel at home and I literally had some of the best time of my life!

Here's a sample

If you would like to see a few more go to Stephanie's blog.

The problem now? Since I already gave myself 2 amazing gifts before the dreaded event, I now have to find something to do on the actual day of my birthday.

When I turned 28, I decided to celebrate by doing 28 acts of service. It was pretty fun! So now I need ideas of what to do, times 30. If anybody reads this, please leave any thoughts you may have (you know who you are!).

Here are a few of mine:
-Buy 30 items of clothing
-Taste 30 different flavors of ice cream
-Read 30 pages of a book I would never read other wise (not so sure about this one)
-Watch 30 episodes of my favorite shows (but that would take a lot of time)
-Do a different activity every 30 minutes
-Get a 30 minute massage
-Kiss 30 guys (hope my parents aren't reading this one). Just kidding mom and dad!!!!
-Write 30 attributes that I would like to have
-Disappear for 30 hours (likey likey)

OK, that's about all I can think of. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ha-llo-ween! So Scary...

 A few frightening feelings...
A man in my neighborhood carved these
Sadly, Halloween has come and gone and I was not able to celebrate it. I was scheduled to work the nights people were out partying. It was very unfortunate.

In all honesty, Halloween is not my favorite holiday.  I, unlike most people, do not enjoy being scared off my pants. When I was a little girl I was very scared of the dark. In retrospect, I was scared of many things!!! It took years to not be scared all the time. So why go back?

Although I have successfully overcome most of my fears, I still cannot watch frightening movies (at all). The most frightening movie I have attempted to watch is "What Lies Beneath."  Over the years I have tried to watch it about 5 times, each time ending in feelings of defeat as I have turned the TV off when I could not take it anymore.

I guess for now the Disney channel will have to do.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Virtually" Living My Life Away

Sometimes I feel like the internet/facebook/texting/anything done with some kind of technical equipment have taken over my life.

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is read the news online, then I check emails from work, check facebook and my day seems to cycle around all these things. I shop/window shop online (or would it be called screen shopping?), I read online, I learn online, I get recipes online, I keep track of my exercising online, well... you get the point.

When I was a little girl, my family moved to a little German town in the southern part of Chile. Technically, we weren't in the town, we were actually several miles from town. As a matter of fact in the area that we lived, we were the first house to be built. And it wasn't just any house, it was a log house. We were surrounded by nature as far as the eye could see and this is what I saw every day from home:
Needless to say, our life was simple and somewhat isolated. We did have a TV, which was black and white but we probably got 3 to 4 channels at the most. I think we had a phone but I don't really remember using it. The simplicity of our life was a most wonderful thing.

All the time I wish that I could go back to those simple days, when we could go for a boysenberry-picking-trip and would come back with buckets full of the wonderful dark fruit which my mother would turn in to jam. It would then in turn accompany her homemade bread. I wish I could still ride my bike any time of the day without being afraid. I wish I could go play on the hills next to our home where little calves would lay and where we found the first bird's nest full of eggs I had even seen.

I was surrounded by white daisy's and blue skies
Thinking about what my life used to be has helped me remember I still love "the simple life." I'm not into traveling the world (even though I have lived in different countries but it was all work related), I'd rather play in my own backyard. When it comes to homes, I'd rather have a small house in a large piece of land. I'd rather only check my email at work because I have to (I wish I didn't have to). I'd rather have a pic-nic than go to a nationally acclaimed restaurant that serves fancy food. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I'd rather make my food from scratch. I'd rather have few possessions and peace of mind than have credit card debt and so many things I don't even know where to put them.

It is difficult finding that balance. There are some things which are necessary to live in this world. But I will always prefer the simple life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

End of Summer

I can FEEL the end of summer coming...
The smells, the sounds, the sunrises and sunsets... everything is different.

I have mixed feelings about it all coming to an end. Summer is my favorite season, especially here in Utah.  For me, the temperature "highs" and "lows" during summer are perfect; I am the "I'd rather be hot than cold" kind of person. On the other hand, end of summer just means beautiful changing leafs and snowboarding season (and of course hot chocolate) will soon be here. So I guess it is not all that bad.

This summer has been pretty amazing and it kind of had to be because...uhm, is my last summer in my 20's (somewhat depressing to say, I know).  I got to do a lot of the things that I had been trying to do for a long long time but had not been able to for different reasons. All I can say is that the memories will remain.

There is a song that always makes me think of the end of summer.  It is called "Anything But Mine."  Here is to celebrating the end of a most wonderful season.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


As much as I am excited about what will soon happen in my life, I am also a little weary. Confession/Public Announcement #1 my parents are moving here in a few days.

YAY FOR ME! I mean, it is exciting to think that after 12 years of spending Christmas' without family, this will never happen again. There are so many reasons why them moving here is such a great thing but I have to admit, there is something that worries me.

For years, I have been used to giving the same answer to the getting-to-know-you-question "Where does your family live?" by saying either Chile or Brazil, which are the countries my parents have lived in during that time. Now I won't be able to do that anymore!!! My answer always made me feel that I had something unique to talk about and it has been a great conversation starter. Saying that my parents live a few minutes away is just not going to be the same.

As a result I have started thinking about other things people may not know about me that I could perhaps use as conversation starters.

Cristina's Confessions (aka possible conversation starters)
  1. When I was in elementary school I put a pencil lead in my ear, I'm not sure if it ever came out ;)
  2. I tend to bite my fingernails when I'm nervous (I know, now you're all grossed out)
  3. I am an impulsive shopper. I can invest a lot of mula on something I thought of buying just minutes ago. But also I can get a whole outfit in 20 min
  4. I don't shop very often, I can go months without buying anything (good thing, please refer to #3)
  5. I love Dog The Bounty Hunter
  6. I hate Chicago (the group not the city, I'm not a hater Chicago people)
  7. One time I ended up at the ER dressed up as Cleopatra and left with braces on both feet
  8. I sleep walk sometimes, or maybe I should call it sleep run? And sometimes run into things...
  9. The song "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga mentions all of my cousins (from one side of the family)
  10. I have ripped a phone book in half
All these confessions have stories to go along with them. Would any of them work as conversation starters?
Be afraid, be very afraid

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time To Retire

Boys and girls, I have decided to retire my "dating jersey." I feel that dating is no longer fun. I used to love the nerves and excitement of getting prettied up before a date. Now it is just a chore. So since it is not longer something I enjoy, I have decided to stop doing it all together. Of course, I wouldn't want to go into retirement before leaving the world a better place! And since "those who can't do...teach," here is my wisdom from the last 12 years.

Top 10 Things I Have Learned About Dating

Waiver: These thoughts are all based on my own experiences and by continuing to read you are acknowledging that I will not be held responsible for any injuries or damage to property which these thoughts may cause (girls can be crazy!).

Advice for Girls 

  1. Don't date a duffus. It is easy to fall in love with anyone, especially when they love you back.
  2. If a guy likes you, he will get your number. If he likes you and he does not make the effort to get your number, is he the kind of guy you want to date anyway? Someone without initiative whom you will have to always tell what to do? Really though, if he likes you HE WILL get your number somehow.
  3. When a guy gets your number, if he really likes you he will call you within 4 days. If he thinks you are cute and wants to get to know you, he'll call within 2 weeks. If he doesn't call within 2 weeks, get over it, he has found someone else.
  4. Guys like to be babied and cared for but they don't like to be told what to do. Most of the time, they would rather fail at something than accomplish it when given advise which was not wanted. Let them do what they want and then be there when they need you after it.
  5. If you kiss a guy who you are not dating, don't expect anything to ever come out of it so move on. To guys, kissing is the same as going on a date with someone you don't like is to us: it's a free event, and it can be fun, but that is about as much of that person as you'll ever want to see.
 (BONUS) Get over the fact that guys are not as emotional as girls. If your relationship is over, it is very likely he will have you replaced within a couple of weeks; a couple of months if it was a serious relationship.

Advice for Guys
  1. Don't worry, if a girl really likes you, she will show you. Girls have this thing were they loose all rational thinking and all self-control if they like someone. If a girl is always showing up at places where you are, sends you random texts, is always extra smiley around you, offers you stuff (would you like a piece of gum? can I get you more Root beer?), gives you compliments (I loved your comment in church today!), then she likes you.
  2. If a girl doesn't do the above mentioned (see #1), but is still flirting with you, she may think you are cute but you are not dating material, she just wants your attention and she wants other guys to see that you are giving her that attention.
  3. Most girls don't consider hanging out a date. If you keep inviting her to hang out, she will get really frustrated (and sometimes angry) with you.   Then she'll start rejecting hanging out with you, but be aware, she has not rejected DATING you, she just wants you to put more effort into it. Ask her on a date, girls get all giddy when someone actually says "I would like to take you out on a date." Trust me on that one.
  4. Do not ask for a girl's number and then give it to your buddy without her permission. I repeat DO NOT! She probably just spent all night trying to avoid him so that he wouldn't ask her for it and now you just ruined all her efforts. Not a manly thing to do.
  5. I know plenty of guys who have married girls who at first wanted nothing to do with them. Even though they stuck around until the girl saw their charm, they weren't pushy. Pushy usually means "good bye." If she rejected you once, try to become her friend and try again later. But don't try to become her best friend, be around but not every moment of every day. Be a friend when you see her at a group gathering but don't stock her. Stocking as equals "good bye."
Well peeps, there you have it. Things I have learned over my dating career not just from personal experience but also from watching the dating world around me. I figured that since I started dating seriously when I was 17 years old, I have gone on dates with hundreds of guys and have been on over 1,000 dates (at least). Thanks to all those who put effort into sharing an experience with me.

Happy trails to you!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Havasupai: Before and After the Flood of 2008

2011 UPDATED DISCLAIMER: I have been told by several people who went to Havasupai in 2010 that the water in my pictures doesn't reflect its true color. In theirs it was as blue as before. I think this has to do with the fact that in 2010 we got there right after they had a mini flood so there was still stuff in the water. Please read on!

I decided to write a review on how Havasupai (a.k.a The Garden of Eden) has changed since the August of 2008 flood. It was one of the biggest floods they have ever had. The water rose up to 8 feet. All 400 members of the tribe had to be evacuated. All tourists were also evacuated and flown by helicopter to the top of the Grand Canyon.  You can imagine what that did to the tribe who's sole form of income is tourism.
2008 months before the flood
2008 during the flood
I was one of the lucky people who got to go to Havasupai before this great flood. I have so many memories of that place!!! Because of my wonderful past experiences I was a little hesitant to go back and see what damage had been caused to this beautiful place. In case you are curios, this is my review and comparison of the before and after.

1. THE HIKE IN: although the way to get to Havasupai is pretty much the same, it did seem to me that there was more gravel on the trails. This made the hike more difficult but not terribly. I found a couple of spots looked different. There was also a mini flood the week before we went.
2. TOWN: the town is pretty much the same. The same buildings, same houses, etc. Something that I liked is that they have a new little store which is one of the first houses when you get into town. So if you really feel you are dying by the time you reach town, you can go there. They also serve pot roast meals every day at dinner time (not that I ever ate there but it's an option). I also liked that there are more signs, or at least they seem to have made them more clear on how to get there.  They no longer charge you the environmental fee (which was only like $5 bucks anyway). People are as nice as always and the kids as as cute as ever. The new Dr. and RN in the clinic are super great and all buildings have extra great AC. And just so you know, the grocery store is not totally over-priced. I always recommend that you either buy fresh fruit in town or have some money for at least one meal. It saves you weight on what you carry in and it helps you not get completely sick of your carb/protein packed food.
2010 This is a little bit of a different angle. Still the same.
2010 Better directions.
3. HIKE TO THE FALLS: first major change: the river looks like there was a flood and Navajo Falls, totally gone. But!!! There are some new falls which are actually really fun and beautiful.  You can tell they have had to clean up a lot. There were lots of piles of dead trees but they are small and they do not get in the way of the beauty of the hike.
2008 Navajo Falls
2010 Navajo Falls from a distance
2010 New falls called Rock Falls from a distance.
4. HAVASU FALLS: these are the first major falls you come to right before you get to the camp ground. They have changed a lot. But at least they are still there! The area where the water begins to fall literary lost about 6 feet of height and the water now comes out on the right side only (right side when you're looking at it) and the area is a lot smaller.  The pool that used to be below it lost several yards of area and it is not as deep. Before you could swim up to the trees and it got deep pretty fast. Now you have to walk down to it quite a bit. But the locals have done a great job at putting sand bags to try to help it recover and they really have cleaned up debris.

2010 Still beautiful and fun.
5. THE CAMP GROUND: well, what can I say? It is completely different. the river used to split it in two almost evenly and there were more campgrounds to the left side (when hiking in). Now the river goes to the left and there are more campgrounds to the right. This is the area that looks the most like there was a flood. I can't even imagine what the locals have had to clean up!!! And they are still working on it!!!! There are lots of piles of trees that are getting burned, and there are lots of areas that needed a boardwalk or big log to get through. They have also build a couple of bridges to get to the left side trail to get to Mooney Falls. There are still lots of trees for those who want to tie a hammock and there is still vegetation. So it's not all bad. In all honesty, people who had never been there never even noticed. To spring of drinkable water (and no, we did not filter at all) looks different but it is still in the same place. It is a little harder to get to because you have to cross several arms of the stream to get to it but there are boards to walk on. There used to be a wood building in front of it... gone.

2008. That little stream is now the river.

2008. This river is now re-routed. See video.
2010. Old campsite from afar. You where the earth brakes a little, that is where the river is.
2010 New river path.

6. POTTIES: Honestly, the most improved thing is that now they do not have portasoooo much better. They have 3 large compost stations. They are pretty high end porta-potties that do not smell are pretty clean, give you enough room to not have to touch anything, always have enough TP,  you can change in them if you want, and they are not full of bugs. This made my trip so happy!

2008-definitely the best improvement

Yay for clean potties!
No more of these!
7. MOONEY FALLS: I think that this is the fall that has changed the least. It is maybe 1 or 2 feet lower than it used to be, but it really does look the same.  The way down has not changed at all.  It is the same chains you have to hold on to. The pool at the bottom does have sand bags but it is just a little smaller and definitely not as deep. The little water falls that are right after it also look pretty much the same. So much fun!
2008 Mooney Falls during the day
2010 Mooney falls
2008 Going down.
2010 Going down.
8. THE RIVER/TRAIL DOWN BELOW: the river has a new waterfall that seems to come from the gully. It is this cool rock that is actually quite beautiful. Also most of the river is not as deep so you can pretty much walk it almost all the way to Beaver Falls. I wouldn't recommend it though because it takes 3 times longer to get there. The trail is pretty much the same. You still find yourself completely surrounded by green. It is like being in a the jungle. The rope swing and the small water hole? I am not sure because I couldn't find it. The giant water hole where you could jump from really high? I am  also not sure.
2010 new waterfall

2008 Old rope swing (don't know if it's still there)
2008 Looking down at the big water hole.
2008 Jumping into the big water hole.
2010 New place to jump in.
9. BEAVER FALLS: On the way to these falls I was happy to see the famous Palm Tree. It is still there! To get to the falls, you still have to climb up the log with the ropes. That trail pretty much looks the same. The actual falls looked much the same to me but the areas surrounding them were a little different.The way to get down to the falls is different. There is an easy trail a little past the lower one, right before you get to the sign that says you are leaving the reservation. They did not seem as deep. I am not sure if there is still the under-water cave because I didn't check but the rock walls looked different enough that I didn't feel comfortable checking it out. Plus I was scared to go in them before anyway.
2010 The famous palm tree!
2008 ("after" pictures coming soon)
10. WAY TO THE COLORADO RIVER: honestly, I don't know if that changed at all because we didn't go that far. But since it was higher ground I'm guessing it is pretty much the same.

Final thoughts: In all reality, I was sad the first day I got there. Things seemed to be so different and it was sad to think that they will never be the same. Then I got over that, and I started enjoying the beauties of one of the most unusual places in the world. It is still beautiful, the water is still as blue as Gatorade, and the adventures are innumerable. I did notice that people that had not been there did not seem to mind the changes at all and their experience was as magical as my first one was.

So would I got back again???  


But since I always tell myself I'm an idiot for hiking out (especially when I get to the switchbacks), next time I'm getting a mule. Or maybe I'll take a little flight!