Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Something To Look Forward To

Now that the Bachelor is over and there is nothing to look forward to on Monday nights, something has been weighing heavy in my heart.  Is there anything that can fill in that emptiness? I mean, crazy Utah chicks wishing death-by-monkeys on other girls is hard to replace.

Well, tonight I found my answer:

SIGH...I now have a new reason to look forward to Monday nights. My Karate Kid is going to kick some booty on Dancing With the Stars. I actually don't like the show but I will definitely be watching Mr. KK as he karate-chops his way to the top. 
Isn't he dreamy? 
And no, I do not care that he is like 49 years old because he still looks like the teenager who learned how to "wax-on, wax-off" from Mr. Miyagi. 
I'd date him. 
Sorry Will Smith Jr., you just won't ever do.

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