Monday, February 28, 2011

Thank You Dr. Seuss

 Today I watched a show where they discussed how some schools will celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. Other than eating green eggs and ham (which I have personally done), they are going to read his books and then each child gets to write a book about themselves. Now, my question is, why don't we as adults do that once a year? I remember as a little girl having to write about myself and making collages of the things I did well or I enjoyed. Would we not be happier if a couple of times a year we wrote books (pictures included) about the things we do well, who we really are or want to grow up to be? I think March 2nd I will be making a book about myself to remember what is special about me. I think we should all do that.
Blue hair is hot


  1. My Hunter did that with his 1st grade class and i loved the idea! I did overwhelmed of the thought of making a whole book so my journal will have to do! How's your book coming?

  2. What?! I can't believe he's in 1st grade! :) But that is awesome. I still think we need to do more of those. I am working on mine. It's a hard task!!


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