Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh Sunny Days...

I know some may disagree with me... but the best part of the year is SUMMER. Oh how I miss the early mornings when you actually want to get out of bed because the sun is out and it is starting to get warm.  Plus all the fantastic things you can do during the summer! I like to ride my bike to the library. I like walking on grass without shoes on. I like washing my hair and letting it dry out. I like having a chocolate covered cone that drips down my fingers (dripping soft-serve ice cream is the best!!!), unfortunately that's how I gain 10 lb each summer. But that's a different story.
Oh SUMMER, I love thee like I will never love anyone (or thing) else. Please come back soon!


  1. Love the new blog background. I too like summer the best. I love hikes in the hills above Ogden and watching the setting sun. I love going out to Antelope Island to ride my bike along the east side of the island where it is shaded and watching the warmth of the sun against the mountains of the Wasatch Front. I love hearing children's happy voices out in the neighborhood as the day wanes. I love driving by the reservoirs and seeing the boats out on the water. I love going up the canyon in the evening of a really hot day in the valley and roasting s'mores. I love going up to Weber and laying back on the grass by the fountain and watching the sky and just pondering. Really, what isn't to like about SUMMER!!!!

  2. Mmmm that brought warm thoughts and memories reading that.
    I love the summer too. I love riding my motorcycle, love going hiking, especially with friends to Havasupai ;)
    I tend to lose 10 pounds every summer though. Probably cause I work outside. :)


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